Welcome to Beyond Wood Products, LLC™! 

Your source for ShokWood™ (wood/resin hybrids material), ShokRes™ (all resin material), ShokExtreme™ (specialty colors) and Stabilized material for wood turning, wood working, knife making, jewelry making and many other artistic pursuits. We are a family owned and operated business, driven to innovate and create a product unequaled in quality and impact. The BWP™ Guarantee is our promise to our customers that these products will produce a finished piece and is free of manufacturing defects. We guarantee each piece for its intended purpose. Our goal is to make the most unique and stunning materials available, always focused on making your projects outstanding works of art. We are driven by customer service and always welcome feedback. Email ( sales@beyondwoodproducts.com).

To serve you we offer two programs: retailer and artist. The retailer program is a wholesale relationship like many other suppliers. The main focus of our business is wholesale and we do not resell direct to the public. The retailer program includes support of your efforts with reduced demo pricing and marketing collateral as required. To become a BWP™ retailer, register HERE.  

The BWP™ Artist program is aimed at artists that rely on our product for a majority of their projects. This program includes the possibility to be featured in our gallery and on our social media channels. Minimum purchase and approval required. To request enrollment in BWP™ Artist program, register HERE.

About Us

Beyond Wood Products, LLC™ is family owned and operated since 2012. Tom Stone, the founder and owner of BWP™, was introduced to woodturning by his father. To merely satisfy his own need for a shop pencil, Tom started turning pens. After years of experimenting with wood and creating things for the home, friends and family, Tom began to take on new challenges.

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Visit our product listing, which include all standard colors, sizes, and formats we supply regularly to BWP™ retailers. You will find our popular ShokWood™, ShokRes™, ShokExtreme™, and stabilized wood offerings.

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BWP Artist Gallery

We love featuring our customer's work! In this gallery you will see pieces from all of our product lines and some pieces used in unexpected ways. We understand seeing example blocks can be boring. Heck, we sometimes take a break and turn bowls, pens and play in the dust. After all, this is how we started.

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